Why I Love Perspicacious

It’s quite a word, sitting there under my picture in the right side bar of this blog: perspicacious.  Fun to say.  Try it.  I think it has something to do with the “sp” in the middle.
It’s meaning is even better.  Do you know it?
perspicacious \pər-spə-‘kā-shəs\ adj from Latin perspicere, transparent;  of acute mental vision or discernment.
Now, as much as I love to say perspicacious, I’d also really like to be perspicacious.  So I continually try to educate myself and surround myself with wise people.   And I keep looking up these cool words and sharing them with you. 

Word Nerd Workout

Think of a character from literature that clearly embodies “perspicacious.”  Share your suggestions in the comments.  I’ve got two ideas:
  • Gandalf, from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, but he’s a wizard, so we expect it from him.
  • How about Hazel Grace Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars?  She’s only a mortal, but her mortality imparts great wisdom. 

Looking forward to your responses!  Now go out there and be perspicacious!  

Other Word Nerd words:

Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. My gut reaction to the title of your post was that I DON’T like the word perspicacious because it sounds too much like perspiration.

    There are always one or two students in my classes who are incredibly perspicacious, and their wisdom and insight never cease to amaze me.

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