A few weeks ago, I cleared up some confusion about the word “erstwhile.” Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know that it meant “former.” I’m here again, sharing a word that I thought meant commotion, but actually means something much different.
I subscribe to Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day email, and when “milieu” popped up in my inbox, I said to myself, “Oh, I know that one. Commotion, a mess.”
Wrong! Good thing I read the entire email.
milieu \mel-‘yü\ noun, from the French mi– middle + lieu place; the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops
For example,
A middle school dance provides the perfect milieu for embarrassing situations and gossip.
Do you remember middle school dances? Shudder. Soon, I’ll have to attend them again- as a chaperone!
Word Nerd Workout
Use milieu in a sentence.
If you’d like to learn more word nerdy words, check out Wondrous Words Wednesday at Bermudaonion.net for links to more interesting vocab!
I like to say that word. Milieu… It just sounds nice.
Why do the French have al the cool-sounding words!? LOL
I knew milieu from the little bit of French I remember but I don’t use it. I’ll attempt a sentence now. Pre-school is a wonderful milieu for learning and socialization of youngsters.
Thanks for the clarification! This is one of those words that I thought I could use in a sentence…until I tried. The definition is very helpful.
Another great crossword clue, Julia! I love the way it rolls off your tongue… I never took French but it’s fun to say with a French accent
Milieu seems like a lovely French word and even though I know it’s meaning I rarely use it. Maybe now I will. I wonder if you were thinking of that other great French word, melee, which I think means commotion?
What a great milieu you provide for discussion of these great words. Jane
Happy to help, Jane, and what a wonderful sentence!
I knew the correct meaning of milieu, but I must have missed the post on “erstwhile.” I thought that meant “temporary” or “slightly phony.” Like “her erstwhile boyfriend” would mean someone who was kinda-sorta of a boyfriend but not one who’d be around for long.
I guess I got the time-related meaning, but not that it meant former instead of temporary.
I had the same idea about erstwhile- in fact a lot of commenters did. Glad I helped out!