Happy Thanksgiving and Wondrous Words Wednesday! Visit Kathy at Bermudaonion.net for links to more words that will get your brain clicking.
I have the perfect word for this week. As I prepare to welcome twelve guests into my home (six of them children) for Thanksgiving, as well as pack for a trip to Hawaii the first week of December, I find myself rather tightly wound.
I’ve warned my family and asked them to be patient with me. I’m praying for peace, grace, and the wisdom to realize that finding a pillow on the floor of the playroom is not cause for a foofaraw.
Yup, that’s right, a foofaraw. It’s a real word. Came to me from Merriam-Webster.com.

foofaraw \’foo-fuh-raw\ noun; first used in the American West during the pioneer days to describe trinkets or baubles used in trade. Experts think it may have started as a variation of the Spanish fanfarrón, a braggart, or the French froufrou, showy ornamentation, or the French expression fou faraud, meaning “foolish dandy”.
- frills and flashy finery
2. a disturbance or to-do over a trifle : fuss
I hope that this silly word will help me to remember that working myself up into a swivet over things like dust and dog hair is a waste of my energy. I have so many blessings in my life, so many things to bring me joy.
Word Nerd Workout
Do you know another word or phrase for making a “to-do” over a trifle? Please share it!
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving without any foofaraws!
What an awesome word, Julia! I can’t wait to figure out a way to work that into casual conversation at Thanksgiving dinner.
Hang in there, mama! Enjoy the time with family and just think of all the Aloha spirit coming your way VERY soon!!