What Does Loquacious Mean?

What does loquacious mean?

wondrous memeWelcome to Wondrous Word Wednesday, hosted by Kathy at Bermudaonion.net.  It’s a great way to learn new words!  My word today comes from fond memories of school…

I’ve always had a problem with excessive verbosity.  In second grade, I got a Valentine candy heart with the inscription:  

U Talk Too Much

My teacher glanced at it over my shoulder, laughed, and said, “You should take that home and frame it!”

The gabby habit continued into high school.  Early in my junior year, after my English teacher scolded me for chatting in class, he dubbed me, “Babbles Vanderwal; Babs for short.”

The nick name stuck.

When that same teacher assigned us each a Latin root to prepare for presentation to the class (for SAT prep), he gave me, appropriately, loqui.

loquacious \lō-‘kwā-shəs\ adj; from Latin loquac- to speak; full of excessive talk; given to fluent or excessive talk

My introverted husband steered clear of the loquacious woman standing near the appetizers.

Word Nerd Workout

Complete the analogy, which includes a review of some previous word nerd words!

loquacious: garrulous :: laconic : _______________

There is more than one correct answer.

Tell me, are you loquacious too?  😉

Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. Love the valentine – and I’m very glad you can write about it now 🙂 I love the word loquacious though I always misspell it! It’s so fun to say.

  2. I must be loquacious too, cause my DH always says “you don’t have to lay the whole railroad, spike by spike, just get there already!”

  3. My son personified that word when he was a little boy! And I find it hard to believe you were like that when you were younger, Julia. I’ll bet you were just curious 🙂

  4. Still laughing at the valentine inscription! I also suffer from excessive verbosity when it comes to both talking & writing. Trying to wrangle in the word count of my blog posts is always a struggle! And my husband would definitely describe me as the loquacious one, although my almost 4 y/o is giving me a run for my money!

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