I usually avoid political discussion, but my husband and I heard such a colorful description of Donald Trump last week that I had to share it here. Actually, Hubby looked it up first! I’m so proud.
If you’re interested in learning new and interesting words, join the Wondrous Words Wednesday meme with Kathy of Bermuda Onion. Comment on words you find there, and add your own post to the mix. It’s fun. And nerdy.

In an August 20, 2015 NPR story on Donald Trump’s immigration plan, Mark Krikoria, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, said that Trump’s immigration policy was the most thorough of all the GOP candidates next to Marco Rubio’s plan. He also said, that although he favors strict immigration law, he’s no fan of Trump:
I mean, look, he’s a bloviating megalomaniac. But he has, in fact, made a significant contribution to the immigration debate.
I know what a megalomaniac is, but “bloviating” intrigued me.
bloviate \’blō- vē-āt\ verb, perhaps an irregular form of “blow”
To speak or write verbosely or windily
megalomaniac \me-gə-lō-ˈmā-nē- ak\ noun
One who suffers from a mental disorder marked by feelings of unlimited importance and power
Word Nerd Workout
Oh boy, there are so many wordy things we could do here. Can you name other megalomaniacs? Or how about a synonym for bloviate? Hint: see my post on loquacious. 😉 Have fun with this one!
An easy choice for megalomaniac: Adolf Hitler. Let’s hope we don’t see any other megalomaniacs rise to power any time soon.
By the way, under the entry for megalomaniac on the Merriam-Webster site, most people state that they looked up megalomania because of Donald Trump.
Don’t forget to visit Kathy’s site for more interesting words.
Thanks for getting nerdy with me today!
Wow, that’s the perfect description of him, if you ask me!
Bloviate and loquacious are similar in meaning, but I feel like bloviate is a more negative term. Like a blowhard, maybe. Of course, when you use bloviating as an adjective to describe a megalomaniac, you’ve got an individual I would like to avoid!
You’re right Dana, and thanks for highlighting the subtle difference. I think of “blowing hot air.”
So, bloviating is like having/being a big blow hole?
And of course, I learned megalomaniac back when studying Captain Ahab in high school.
Now, in my mind, Donald Trump is firmly equated with Moby Dick, a big white whale.
Bloviating wasn’t new to me, but megalomaniac is. When I think about people with this same disorder, I think of a CEO I used to work for. His whole world was the company and within that world he was very powerful. In addition, he was well-respected in the business community. I saw his disorder manifested in the way he treated, and mis-treated, employees and suppliers. I’ve known a couple of megalomaniacs, but I didn’t know there was a name for them or that it was a disorder. It makes sense, however. People like this, with this disorder, can be very dangerous if they are not checked. This is why Donald Trump actually scares me.
Thank you Margot for pointing out the fact that megalomania is in fact a mental illness. And yes, I’m scared too.
Hey, Margot has a Donald Trump word this week also! I’m feeling left out. Maybe I ‘ll find something for next week. He’s sure to say/do something inappropriate in the next 7 days.
I find this whole Donald Trump thing fascinating. We really should not be talking about him any longer because should have self destructed by now. But he hasn’t which makes me wonder if people are so incredibly in need of some humor that they falsely tell pollsters that they would vote for him or if the world is coming to an end. Every time he opens his mouth something stupid falls out. I am in awe. I am also shocked by his vindictiveness. Wow, that turn the other cheek thing does not apply to him.
Opps slight political rant here. I think you started it…. (hehehehehe)
Ha! A current-events style word choice~ very nice, and good to know!
Thanks for the definition.
I do love the Wondrous Words Wednesday posts.
Have a great rest of your week.
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