Favorite Books of 2017
It's here! This year's list of favorite books from Word Nerds like me! Check it out for gift giving ideas or just for yourself.
It's here! This year's list of favorite books from Word Nerds like me! Check it out for gift giving ideas or just for yourself.
Help me make an awesome list of gift ideas - share your favorite read from 2017 and enter a giveaway for a B & N gift card. It's a win-win!
From memoir to kidlit, I've got a great list of reading suggestions to give as gifts or enjoy for yourself! Happy reading!
The Word Nerd makes an argument for hand written letters and suggests a gift idea.
The Word Nerd is collecting book recommendations to create a giant gift list. Add a title to the suggestions and earn the opportunity to win a new book for you...
It's here! The monster list of book suggestions from readers and word nerds. Read on for some awesome ideas...