Why You Must Read Guinevere St. Clair

Summer is almost here, which means more time for reading! If you like kid lit with a bit of mystery and a plucky protagonist, then I’ve got a great suggestion for you. The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair, by Amy Makechnie, is To Kill a Mockingbird, middle school style, and an excellent read for your upcoming summer vacation.

Guinevere St. Clair has a knack for digging up information, which is good, since she is an aspiring lawyer. She also knows a lot about the human brain because, well, her mother’s brain doesn’t work so well anymore. Vienna, Gwyn’s mother, is mentally stuck at age 13, and she doesn’t remember that Gwyn is her daughter. Gwyn and her family have returned to Crow, Idaho, the small town of Vienna’s childhood, with hopes that familiar places will revive old connections between neurons and bring Vienna back to them.

What I liked

Guinevere St. Clair is full of quirky, authentic characters. There’s Gaysie Cutter, huge in body and personality, who lives in a giant farmhouse painted the color of a clementine and who has a rep for burying things in her backyard and speaking her mind. And Gwyn’s Nana, who reminds Gwyn of “a perfectly tied bow… a woman who always buttoned her top button.” You can’t help but love Gwyn’s friend Micah, who likes to wear sparkly shoe laces and purple capes, and who, as a result, earns the unwanted attention of mean kids from school. And then there’s Jed, Gwyn’s father, who is devoted to his wife and determined to help her. Says Gwyn of her father, “He was not a quitter; he was a man who fixed things.”

Guinevere leads this entertaining cast, searching for clues of a farmer’s mysterious disappearance, as well as for any sign that her mother knows and loves her. I related to Gwyn immediately, as my mother suffered from a neurological disease, and I have spent much of my life gathering clues about what she was like when she was healthy. Gwyn evokes empathy with her candid and poignant descriptions of what it’s like to live with a mother who doesn’t remember her daughter. When speaking about her Nana, Gwyn says,

“I once overheard my father say that Vienna’s condition was the great tragedy of Nana’s life. But from where I sat, Nana should be happiest of all of us; she had at least had the best of Vienna.”


And when Gwyn runs into people in the small town of Crow who ask about her mom, “Everyone was curious about Vienna, but few were comfortable talking about her.” As a current resident of a small town, I say this is spot on!

And this line brought tears to my eyes, I could relate to it so well:

“I held the handmade book tightly, suddenly feeling a great wave of homesickness for a person I hardly knew.”

I knew my mother much better than Gwyn knows hers, however, I understand the need to cling to physical representations of people we have lost in a desperate attempt to bring them closer.

Amy Makechnie explores several themes in The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair, including loss, being true to oneself, and acceptance. By the end of the book, Gwyn learns to accept her mother’s condition, but she isn’t without hope. And into all of this, the characters and the themes, Makechnie weaves a mystery, with suspense that kept me turning pages long after I should have turned off my bedside light.

What I didn’t like

Some of the pieces of the mystery didn’t play out well for me, but I loved the characters and the themes so much that I didn’t care.


If you enjoy middle grade books with lots of character and some mystery, you will enjoy The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair. I highly recommend it for lovers of kid lit!  It will release in hardback June 12, 2018.  You can read more about it at Goodreads and Amazon.

Word Nerd Note:  The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair is the debut novel by Amy Makechnie, and although she is my friend and writing buddy, I wouldn’t recommend her book if I didn’t truly believe it was good.

And it’s great!

Can you share other kid lit titles that have plucky protagonists or a great mystery? Stay tuned to Diary of a Word Nerd. Soon I will feature an interview with Amy and a giveaway of Guinevere. I want to help readers get their hands on this wonderful novel.

Happy reading!







Holding It Together for Graduation

About 13 years ago, I pulled my Honda Odyssey up to the back door of a red brick school building. My oldest child hopped out of the van and walked toward the doorway, his back pack bouncing on his shoulders. I waited, maybe hoped, for one last look from him, a wave, a “bye Mom”. It never came. Without hesitation, he disappeared into the shadows of the kindergarten hall.

For a few seconds, this lack of acknowledgment stung. He’d already forgotten about me, the woman who had created him, carried him, nursed him. But then I realized I didn’t want him to look back and see the swell of emotions spilling onto my cheeks. And, more importantly, I understood that he didn’t look back because he was excited about the day ahead, and wondering if he’d get a spot in the reading bathtub his kindergarten teacher had parked in the corner of her classroom. And that’s exactly what he needed to be thinking about, not his overwhelmed mother, sniffing her way out of the elementary school parking lot.

Thirteen years later, I’m preparing to watch this same son take another important walk, across a stage to receive his high school diploma. It’s a tumultuous time for my heart, with excitement and joy and worry all competing for first place in the pageant of my emotions. I’ve succumbed to a few tearful moments, and there will be more, and the Word Nerd is struggling to find the right adjective to describe this swelling of pride and nostalgia that brings tears to my eyes. It’s not sadness. How can I be sad that my son is successfully launching off to a school that he desperately wants and needs to attend? Perhaps it’s trepidation about the future. I’ve never been good with change, or the unknown. Perhaps it’s because this is the child who rubs my back when he knows I’m tense.

The verb “to graduate” comes from the Latin gradus, meaning step or degree. One definition of graduate is “to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one.” (Merriam-Webster). Passing to a higher one. My son is going on to better experiences and higher proficiency. He is taking steps toward becoming an independent adult, one who is thoughtful and curious and able to help the world with his talents. The goal of parenthood is to launch, and my son is ready to fly. That’s what I must focus on and celebrate when the tears rise to my eyes, and I tremble at the thought of my boy moving hours away from home. He’s going on to something better.

I’ve received various snippets of advice from wiser mothers who have been through this dance already. One told me to start praying years ago, so that when the time came, I’d be ready. My prayer, often the words of Jeremiah 29:11, has, and will continue to, soothe my soul. One friend told me that things are different when your child goes off to college, but different doesn’t mean bad. I’ve internalized that mantra: different doesn’t mean bad. Another has watched her son thrive in a college setting, and although she misses him, her sadness is outweighed by gratitude for his  happiness.

I’ve also learned from wiser friends that the mothering doesn’t stop just because we send them off to school. This is a lifelong job, and every stage has its joys and challenges. Babies are adorable, but require so much physical care. Toddlers are fun, but tantrums and sippy cups get old. Teenagers are thoughtful and hilarious, but they suck the emotional energy right out of you. I can’t wait to figure out what I will love and what I must endure about being the mother of a college student.

With this knowledge tucked inside my heart, and a tissue pack tucked inside my purse, I prepare myself for the ceremony tonight, as well as for the months ahead when I will help my child pack up his essentials and move to a place where he can pass to a new, and hopefully better, stage of experience.

And I hope he won’t look back.

Do you have any tips for surviving big life events like graduation?  What’s a good word to describe the emotions?

Thanks for getting sentimental with me,







How to Buy Books on a Budget

Please welcome my guest, Carol Cooney.  She’s got some great advice on finding affordable books!

Hello to Followers of the Word Nerd!

Julia was kind and asked me to let you know some of the ways I save on buying books.  I have a blog at www.cecooney.com where I review books.

Because I read a lot, I am always looking for ways to buy books at a reduced rate. I have gotten much better about going to the library. (My husband thanks me…) But sometimes when I come across a deal on a book, I take advantage of it.

I am not talking about the regular discounts on books that you can get from buying from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Usually the books I find are $5 or less.  

There is one important thing to note about most of my discount book ideas. Most of the deals that I find are for eBooks. Also, if you are searching for a particular book, you may not be satisfied with the discount book sites. If you are a true bargain shopper and are patient, you will eventually find the book that you desire. I use these sites more to see what is available than look for a certain book.

There are several sources for discount books. There are stores and on-line locations. First, let’s look at the stores.

In-Person Shopping

Public Library Book Sales – Most public libraries will accept donations and then hold sales to make money. I know that my local library has books for sale in the lobby all the time and they also will hold larger sale days.

Second Hand Book Stores – It seems to me that there are more used book stores than there used to be. One of the big chain stores for this is Half Price Books. Most of these stores will also let you sell your old books. Don’t expect to get much money for your books.

Garage/Thrift Sales – Always lots of books to be found. Goodwill stores or other charity gift stores always have a selection of books.  The Goodwill store that I have been to sells hardbacks for $1.99.

On-Line Book Stores 

Amazon – Amazon has expanded its discount book sections over the years. There are two sections- one for physical books and one for eBooks.

If you go to the site and look under the “Books” department, there is section under “Popular in Books” for Bargain books.

If you are interested in eBooks, in the Kindle eBook department, under the “Popular in Kindle” heading, there is ‘Kindle Book Deals”. When you are on the Kindle Book Deals” page, there is a list of the different kinds of deals. Under that listing, you can sign up to receive daily email notices of eBooks that are on sale.

Note: You can read Kindle books using a free Kindle reading app on any device.

Note: If you own a Kindle and are an Amazon Prime member, you will get an email at the beginning of every month. The email will have a list of 4 or 5 books and you can pick one book from the list and receive that book free. I know it sounds crazy but I bought one of the lower tech Kindles because I could then get the free books.  Over time, you save money.

Barnes and Noble – They also have a discount section on their site. For physical books, if you look at the list of choices across the top of the site, you will see “Sale” in red. Click on that, and it will take you to their selection of sale items. Books have a section under the sale items. (The stores also have a discount section.)

If you are interested in Barnes and Nobel eBooks (for the Nook), if you go to the Nook Books section, they have a Special Values section on the site.

Booksamillion – This is an online and a “brick and mortar” bookseller. There are locations throughout the US. They have an online discount section and a discount section in the stores.

Alibris – This site sells used books. The advantage is that you can look for a particular book on this site. So, when I am not having much luck finding my book club selection for the month, I can go there and usually find it. This site is an aggregator. You are not buying from Albris, you are buying from some location that has the book for sale. When you put in the title you are looking for, you are given a list of the sellers that have the book for sale, the price, the condition of the book, and the seller’s rating. You will pay $3.99 to ship each book you buy. If you sign up to be on their email list, you will frequently get discount coupons. (I have never bought enough books from them to be able to use a coupon.)

Email Notices

There are a number of email subscriptions that you can sign up for and receive daily emails of sale books. These specials are usually one day specials so you need to pick them up when you see them. I think sometimes they may last longer than a day but not always.

Also, depending on the book, it may be available from several eBook sellers. You may be able to find it on Kindle, Nook, or Kobo depending upon the book.

Rebecca@Riffle – If you join Riffle, you will receive a daily email with eBook specials. Riffle is a site like GoodReads that lets you keep track of books you have read. There are also articles about books. I get the emails but do not regularly go to the site. (Okay, it looks like I never go there – according to the site, I have read 2 books.)

BookBub – This site sends out a daily email with different book specials. They only list eBook specials.

eBook Soda – Sign up at this site and you will receive an email with book specials  (“tailored to your taste”) daily. I think I must have fallen off this list as I have not seen an email from them in ages.

The Fussy Librarian – I just heard about this site and I signed up. This site also emails you reduced price books based on your interest and content preferences.  I have yet to buy a book that they suggest but you never know. They also have a daily email with free books. You can sign up for both on the site.

NOTE:  With these daily emails, you will see LOTS of books that you are not interested in buying. BUT then sometimes you will find the jewel in with the colored stones. Be prepared to wade through many emails before you see a book you might like to buy.

Book Recommendation Sites

There are a couple of sites that will send you recommendations based on your preferences.

Off The Shelf – This site was created by readers to give recommendations to each other. You can join and get weekly or daily book suggestions.

New in Books – This site sends out an email every Tuesday to alert you to new books coming out that day in genres that interest you. There are also articles with book recommendations.

Have fun bargain hunting!

Thanks to Julia for letting me invade her site and share these resources with you.


What’s the Deal with the Mortar Board?

My son pulled his wrinkled graduation gown out of its packaging and asked, “Why do I have to wear a dress?” Good question. And while we are at it, why do graduates have to wear a square shaped hat called a mortar board that does not look attractive at any angle, nor does it stay on, despite the use of several bobby pins? And what’s up with Pomp and Circumstance, the march played at nearly every graduation ceremony?

Photo credit: Alan Light via flickr CC-BY

The Gown

Turns out the “dress”, or rather the graduation gown, has history dating back to the 12th and 13th centuries. Back in the Medieval Period, students and teachers wore clerical clothing (clothing worn by church officials) because the church had great influence over academics, and many teachers were priests, monks, or clerics. The “academic regalia”, like the clothing of church officials, distinguished scholars from laypeople. It is also believed that academics wore long robes with hoods to keep warm in the unheated buildings where they studied.

Scholars wore robes all the time, and Oxford and Cambridge were the first schools to require special graduation attire. In the 14th century, these British schools forbade “excessive apparel” at institutions of learning and required long gowns during ceremonies to promote unity among academics. By the 1800s, different colored robes were introduced to signify different areas of study.

The European style of academic regalia came to America with the colonists. After the Civil War, American students wore caps and gowns only at graduation ceremonies to symbolize recognition and achievement. Until the 1950s, robes were usually gray, but during the 50s, students adopted different colors to represent their schools or areas of study. In modern times, high school robes are usually school colors, while bachelor and master degree graduates wear black robes, and doctoral graduates wear a colored robe representing their field of study. Administrators, officials, and professors often wear a robe slightly different in style from the robes students wear.

The Mortar Board

The history of the mortar board, a skull cap with a large square board on top that looks like the board masons use to hold plaster, is also intimately tied to the church. The shape of the cap has changed since the Medieval Period, based on changes to hat styles worn by priests and clerics. The odd shaped cap has shown both the association of academics to the church, and, in later years, the separation of academics from religion.

Historians believe the square shaped hat was adopted for academic regalia for one of several reasons: the square shape symbolizes a book; the square shape symbolizes a quad at Oxford; the shape represents the board of a master workman. The tassels are worn on the cap as a sign of distinction, and although there are no official rules on where the tassel should be worn, most schools hold to the tradition of degree candidates starting the ceremony with the tassel on their right and flipping it over to the left during commencement.

After participating in many graduations, I can tell you that darn cap shifts around like a skate board and the tassel never stays put. To my son and graduates everywhere I say, do the best you can, at least you don’t have to wear it that often.

Pomp and Circumstance

Besides the classic cap and gown, graduation ceremonies are almost always characterized by Pomp and Circumstance, a somber march composed by the British musician Sir Edward Elgar in 1901. His march, named after a line from Shakespeare’s play Othello (“Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war!”) wasn’t originally used for graduation ceremonies but rather for the coronation of King Edward VII.

Pomp and Circumstance became associated with graduations in 1905 when it was played as Elger received an honorary doctorate from Yale University. After that, prestigious schools like Princeton, Columbia, and the University of Chicago started using it during graduation ceremonies, and other schools follow suit. The term Pomp and Circumstance has come to mean “splendid celebration with ceremony and fuss”.

Fuss indeed. There are senior pictures and cap and gown pictures and wear the t-shirt for the college you will be attending pictures. There are announcements and parties and, as I realized when I walked into Walmart yesterday, cakes. (Yikes! Do I need to order one?) There are Baccalaureate Services, awards assemblies and the big one: graduation itself. And this sentimental mother could cry when she thinks of the momentous shift about to occur in her child’s life, but for now, I’m holding strong, proud of the accomplishments achieved and excited for opportunities ahead. The goal is to launch, and the “dress”, cap, and “Pomp”, all remind me- we have reached the goal.

The tears will come when I have to hug my son, say goodbye, and turn and walk out of a dorm room. But until then, I’ll focus on the happy.

Congratulations to graduates of every school and subject this May.


Academic Regalia Tams and Caps
Graduation Cap and Gown History
Graduation Rites Have Ancient History
MIT: Regalia History
Time History

What are your thoughts on “the dress” and mortar board?  

Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

A Poem for Your Pocket 2018

We need to read more poetry.  The collections of words and rhythms that we call poems force us to appreciate beauty, to stop and think.  Here’s what the current U.S. poet laureate, Tracy K. Smith, says on the matter:

Poetry surprises and deepens our sense of the ordinary. Poetry tells us that the world is full of wonder, revelation, consolation, and meaning.

I agree!  Today, April 26, 2018, is Poem in Your Pocket Day, and I’ve got a short poem to deepen your sense of the ordinary.  Please read it, enjoy it, ponder its meaning, and pass it along to someone else.

The Balloon of the Mind by W.B. Yeats

Hands, do what you’re bid:

Bring the balloon of the mind

That bellies and drags in the wind

Into its narrow shed.

Poem in Your Pocket Day is part of the National Poetry Month activities sponsored by The American Academy of Poets.  Every April, The Academy encourages parents, teachers, and librarians to engage in poetic pursuits.   You can find more poems, including a downloadable PDF of short poems, at poets.org.  Leave a few poems around your home or work place, put them in notes in your kids’ lunchboxes, or write them in chalk on the sidewalk.  Whatever it takes to bring more poetry into the world!

I chose “Balloon of the Mind” because it is short and captures how I often feel, that my mind is a wondering thing that I must learn to contain.  What do you think of the poem?

Thanks for getting nerdy with me!







Why I Loved “Born a Crime”

When I saw Trevor Noah, host of “The Daily Show”, do a comedy bit about President Trump, I loved his humor, but I couldn’t figure out his accent. Turns out Noah is a native of South Africa and the author of a memoir, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. During Apartheid in South Africa, it was illegal for whites and non-whites to intermingle. Since Noah was born to a black mother and a white father, he was literally born a crime, and this status had a profound affect on his early life.


Born a Crime, narrated by Noah himself for Audible, is a funny, poignant, and informative description of Noah’s childhood during the end and aftermath of Apartheid. I listened to it shortly after watching Invictus, the story of how Nelson Mandela tried to unite his fractured country behind the South African rugby team. Since I didn’t know much about South Africa or Apartheid, Invictus raised many questions. Born A Crime answered a lot of them.

What I liked

Noah is an excellent story teller, and hearing him talk about his childhood in his accented voice added authenticity I would have missed if I read the print version. He is fluent in many languages, and throughout the book he includes snippets of those languages. Hearing him speak them brought me closer to the culturally diverse world in South Africa.  If I were reading the book, I probably would have skimmed over the foreign phrases.

Noah tackles tough subjects in his memoir: prejudice, poverty, and abuse, but he balances the dark topics with humor, keeping the book from becoming too depressing. I loved hearing about his relationship with his mother, a fascinating woman of great strength and religious conviction, and how that evolved as he grew up.

He does an excellent job of explaining the culture of South Africa. His tells the history of the different tribal groups in South Africa, and why there was so much violence after Mandela became president. He describes the conflicts between the different races of people- whites, blacks, and coloreds- and why he had a hard time fitting in with any one of those groups. He tells how South African people name their children and how he and his friend Hitler, an excellent dancer, unwittingly caused outrage during a cultural presentation at a Jewish school.

What I didn’t like

Very little. At times, Noah relies on cliché too much to describe the events in his life, and his reactions to them, but this is a picky criticism.


Born a Crime is a great listen if you want to learn more about the culture of South Africa, or if you just want to be entertained. I plan on suggesting this book to my older children to help them gain a broader perspective of the world. I highly recommend listening to it.

Notes on content

Born a Crime has some foul language and touches on mature themes, such as physical abuse, incarceration, and pornography. Tender ears and eyes beware!

Have you read Born a Crime? What did you think? Can you suggest another interesting memoir?

Happy reading