Calling All Book Lovers!

I’m a word nerd.  I love pouring over words in a book, or stringing them together into humorous phrases, or dissecting them into their Latin roots to discover their meanings.   During my lifetime, I have spent countless hours curled up reading, because I learned at an early age that books offer escape and entertainment way better than anything on T.V.   And a mother of four children under the age of 12 needs some escape time, don’t you agree?

Fortunately, I have friends who share my love of the written word and are willing to meet once a month to discuss anything from The Red Tent¸ by Anita Diamant, to Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer.  (Honestly, I hesitated before picking up Twilight; vampires give me the willies.  Glad I got over that.)  We have no method to our choices, but we embrace variety, and so I read books I NEVER would have otherwise, like Atlas Shrugged, or Outliers.  And even though I don’t always like our selections, I usually leave our meetings with new insights and a better appreciation for a book that I have spent my precious free time reading.

I’m approaching this new blog as an online book club, a resource for other literary lovers who want suggestions for worthy reading.  Unfortunately, I can’t offer you snacks over cyber space, (yummy treats are one of the best benefits of “in-person” meetings), but I can post weekly reading recommendations from all genres, including kid lit, because my children have inherited my book loving genes and have discovered some beauties.   However, I don’t do horror.  (See note above about vampires.)   I welcome and encourage suggestions and comments from all of you other book worms out there!  Just click on the “comments” link below and share your thoughts!
First tip:  If you haven’t yet read The Help by Kathryn Stockett, please find a copy! Today!  The novel explores the relationships between white women and the black women who work for them in 1960’s Mississippi.   Stockett’s characters challenge the boundaries built by society and their own expectations; they will also make you laugh.  I’ve heard the movie is good, but as my nine year old daughter has already determined, “The book is always better than the movie, Mommy.”