Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, an awesome way to improve your vocab. Visit Kathy at Bermudaonion.net for more cool words.
Where’d You Go Bernadette, by Maria Semple, is giving me lots of words to look up. I’ve taken to writing them down in pencil on the back cover of the book. (I know, anathema to book purists, like my husband.)
Here’s the quote from the novel:
Fox’s preoccupation with the prosaic caught the attention of Professor Michael Graves, who hired her to work in his New York office.
Prosaic sounded like a word I should know. But what could “prose” have to do with architecture?
prosaic \prō-‘za-ik\ adj from Latin prosa, prose; characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry; dull, unimaginative; OR everyday, ordinary.
I think Semple meant the last definition; Bernadette focused on the everyday/ordinary details of architectural design.
Word Nerd Workout
Complete the analogy! We haven’t had one in a while. I’m using the opportunity to review a previous word nerd word:
Limpid: cloudy :: prosaic: _________
Good luck, and thanks for getting nerdy with me!
I knew prosaic but have to admit that I had to look up limpid in order to complete the analogy. I’d say limpid is to cloudy as prosaic is to exceptional.
Limpid:cloudy :: prosaic: extraordinary
I’ve heard of prosaic before but I didn’t know the meaning.
Well done, Dana. I hope this “exercise” will help you remember the meaning.
I looked this word up when I read “Bernadette” too. But I still haven’t used it my prosaic vocabulary.
I think limpid:cloudy :: prosaic:surprising.
Nicely done, Judy! I hope this “review” will help- when I see words come up in others’ WWW posts, it helps reinforce meanings for me.
Hmmm…I really, really like this word. It describes my everyday life well, and not in a bad way. prosaic:motherhood. In a good way I’m going to start using this one. As always, love the words!
Thanks, Amy. Yes, we should enjoy the prosaic activities of our lives, especially spending time with our children. (But, they’ve only had 5 full days of school this month- so, I’m ready to have just a smidge less time…)
I love spending time with my girls, but I’m with you, Julia! I do not want snow days, delays, and cancellations to become the norm (or prosaic!). Is it spring yet?
My kids went to school today! Hurrah Hurrah!