How Good is Your Vocabulary?

I cannot recall a Halloween when snow was falling in Virginia.  But thanks to the “Super Storm”, I’m huddled up inside, watching white flakes fly past the window, and considering how to best bundle up Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker for Trick or Treating!  Hope you are safe and warm where you are.

The end of October means it’s time for another vocabulary review.  Everyone who answers all three questions correctly will receive “link love” from me, as well as shout outs on Facebook and Twitter about your word nerd excellence.  Good luck!

Word Nerd Quiz

  1. How would an expurgated edition of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn differ from the original version?
    1. It wouldn’t have illustrations.
    2. All offensive content would have been removed.
    3. New passages, based on Twain’s notes, would have been added.
  2. Which one of the following characters would you describe as perspicacious
    1. Scout Finch, from To Kill a Mockingbird
    2. Ron Weasley, from Harry Potter
    3. Pip, from Great Expectations
  3. Fill in the blank to complete this analogy:  inexorable:relentless::obdurate: ____________.
  4. Bonus!  In as few words as possible, why is October the 10th month of the year, instead of the eighth?  (you know, Oct= 8)

Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. Part of what Emily said and part of what Diane said.
    1) clean it up (2)
    2) Scout Finch (1) pretty wise little one…and the name of the family dog in my WIP
    3)obstinate…or stubborn like Emily said.
    4) Eighth month in the old Julian calendar…but July and August bumped it to 10th position.

    Ahhh, now back to the word count, fellow NaNo-ers. Write On! Thanks for the diversion, Julia.

  2. Stay warm!
    We were incredibly lucky in my neck of the woods — which is the little corner where PA, DE, and MD all meet. Somehow, the storm went around us. Everybody east and north of us was slammed. We didn’t even lose power.

    As for your quiz:
    1. answer 2
    2. urg. I’m really shaky on that word, and I’ve never read Great Expectations
    3. stubborn
    4. because of months added by one of the Roman emperors (a Caesar, either Augustus or Julius) to correct the calendar.

  3. We almost always have snow for Halloween in the mountains, but this year was unusually warm. My brain is not up to thinking today–it’s been a super busy week–, but I think I know the answer to the calendar question. I believe October was the 8th month in the Roman calendar, but other months were added (or something like that!).


  4. 1. (2)
    2. (1) Scout Finch
    3. stubborn
    4. Doh! I forget! But I won’t cheat and look it up. What I really need to do is take notes when reading your posts. 🙂

    Good luck fellow word nerds!

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