Why You Should Subscribe to a Poem a Day
I know, you've got enough stuff coming into your inbox. But I make the case for something worth your precious time: poetry. It's National Poetry Month, after ...
I know, you've got enough stuff coming into your inbox. But I make the case for something worth your precious time: poetry. It's National Poetry Month, after ...
Spring is here! Time to clean out and get organized. I share some great ways to keep your books in order.
Technology can help the poorest people have access to education and books - learn how some people are making it happen.
Insurgent opens March 20, 2015. An avid Fan Girl and I will tell you what you need to know.
Are you snowed in like me? Take advantage of the inside time with some great books. I give suggestions for middle grade, young adult, and adult.
So many books, so little time. Audiobooks can help you get more reading done, but you gotta find the good ones. "The Audies" can help.