What Were the Most Memorable Words of 2013?
I couldn’t let the year pass without sharing a word nerdy recap of 2013. Which words were most popular? Which ones could we forget? My favorite new word...
I couldn’t let the year pass without sharing a word nerdy recap of 2013. Which words were most popular? Which ones could we forget? My favorite new word...
My son taught me a word nerd word from his World G class!
For the first Wondrous Words Wednesday of 2014, I've picked a word that captures the spirit of "new".
I’m back from Maui for another round of Wondrous Words Wednesday. (Can I just say that the shift from sunshine to ice has been difficult?) Visit Kathy a...
Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a great meme from Kathy at Bermudaonion.net if you want to learn new words. My kids are even in on the game. Last night, ...
Happy Thanksgiving and Wondrous Words Wednesday! Visit Kathy at Bermudaonion.net for links to more words that will get your brain clicking. I have the perfect ...