Vocab from And the Mountains Echoed: Polemical
What does polemical mean? I tell you, along with how to pronounce it, in this edition of Wondrous Words Wednesday.
What does polemical mean? I tell you, along with how to pronounce it, in this edition of Wondrous Words Wednesday.
Do you know what blithe means? Stop by and test your vocab with my word nerd workout.
Do you know what a fartlek is? Join my guest Nicole from Work In Sweats Mama as she translates words from the running life.
I'm a 'Hoo, who you? Join me to learn some history about Virginia mascots.
Have you heard of the mysterious "fifth taste"? Not sweet, sour, bitter, or salty, but UMAMI! Learn something today from the Word Nerd.
My wondrous word isn't actually a word, but it's ubercool. Learn a little German with me today.