What Does Syllogism Mean?
While reading the spooky YA paranormal novel Dream Boy, I came across this new word: syllogism. Do you know what it means? Come learn with me...
While reading the spooky YA paranormal novel Dream Boy, I came across this new word: syllogism. Do you know what it means? Come learn with me...
I've had the REM CD "Eponymous" for 20 years, and I never bothered to look up this mysterious word. Goodreads finally kicked me into action. I share the mean...
A word that stumped me last week: sycophantic. Come find out what this word means. Hint, it comes from the Greek word for informer.
Since amulet is in the title of my current audiobook, I figured I'd better look it up! Do you know what amulet means?
Know what abscond means? I'd forgotten, but Jeannette Walls forced me to look it up. Come relearn a word with me today!
Today we explore mendacious, a great word from Jeannette Walls, author of Half Broke Horses and The Glass Castle. Can you use mendacious in a sentence?