Astral Tide Release: Dystopian with a Sci Fi Twist!
Read a preview of Anna Silver's new book Astral Tide, an exciting combination of dystopian, fantasy, and sci fi. Enter her giveaway to win free books and more.
Read a preview of Anna Silver's new book Astral Tide, an exciting combination of dystopian, fantasy, and sci fi. Enter her giveaway to win free books and more.
Have you heard of the mysterious "fifth taste"? Not sweet, sour, bitter, or salty, but UMAMI! Learn something today from the Word Nerd.
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My wondrous word isn't actually a word, but it's ubercool. Learn a little German with me today.
Learn more about See You at Harry's, a great coming of age book for tweens.
The Olympic motto is "citius, altius, fortius." Do you know what these words mean or where they come from? Let the Word Nerd help you out.