Vocabulary from Half Broke Horses: Abscond
Know what abscond means? I'd forgotten, but Jeannette Walls forced me to look it up. Come relearn a word with me today!
Know what abscond means? I'd forgotten, but Jeannette Walls forced me to look it up. Come relearn a word with me today!
Yes, The Perks of Being a Wallflower has lots of controversial content, but it also has a thoughtful narrator and lots of good introspection. My banned books w...
Today we explore mendacious, a great word from Jeannette Walls, author of Half Broke Horses and The Glass Castle. Can you use mendacious in a sentence?
This week is Banned Books Week, an event to promote awareness of censorship. Do you know what it means when a book is banned? Have you read any banned books? ...
I need to get my hands on some books my 14-year-old son will like, and fast, before I lose him completely to Clash of Clans. I did my research and have a few i...
Have you ever had to bivouac? Come learn about the origins of this unusual word.