Vocab from The Cuckoo’s Calling: Portentous
A new Wondrous Word for the momentous occasion of a New Year: portentous. Know what it means? Come learn with me.
A new Wondrous Word for the momentous occasion of a New Year: portentous. Know what it means? Come learn with me.
I've compiled readers' favorite book suggestions for 2014 into one awesome and eclectic list. Come find your next read. Also, I announce my giveaway winner.
Need a gift for a kid in your life? Or do you enjoy kid lit yourself? I've got micro reviews of three great Kid Lit books that you might enjoy.
Have you ever known a vituperative person? Not sure? Come learn a new word with me.
Help me compile a list of favorite books from 2014. All you have to do is share your favorite book this year, and you will get a great recommended reading list...
I'm ashamed to admit that I ran across a word I didn't know on the first page of The Cuckoo's Calling, a novel by R. Galbraith, aka JK Rowling. Come learn with...