Book Suggestions from the Goodreads Choice Awards
My book club is meeting next week, and we're choosing our books for 2016. I need ideas! The Goodreads Choice Awards can help me - and you too.
My book club is meeting next week, and we're choosing our books for 2016. I need ideas! The Goodreads Choice Awards can help me - and you too.
Do you know what putative means? It's a synonym for ostensible. Still stumped? Read on!
My YA manuscript made it into Miss Snark's ON THE BLOCK contest - you can read it and offer critique. Hopefully agents will too!
Another fun word from Morgan Matson's SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE: Peripatetic. Do you know what it means? The Word Nerd explains.
Learn how one young woman used her brains and coding to solve a problem for readers.
Do you know what ensorcell means? The Word Nerd explains this word from Morgon Matson's Since You've Been Gone.