Vocab from Current Events: Antithetical
An apt word for the confusing rhetoric flying around in the news these days: antithetical. Have you heard any antithetical statements lately? Please share!
An apt word for the confusing rhetoric flying around in the news these days: antithetical. Have you heard any antithetical statements lately? Please share!
If you're like me, you need book suggestions for gift ideas as well as for escape during the cold months ahead. Help me build my favorites list and you'll ente...
Some of my favorite things - consider it a gift guide.
On Thanksgiving Eve, a word nerdy look at gratitude. Do you think it's the secret to happiness?
If you love YA, I've got some great suggestions for you. Some are serious, some are fun, all are good.
I came across "welter" while reading The Glass Cage, and all I could think of was "welterweight". This form of welter has nothing to do with boxing... more lik...