Exposing My Family to National Poetry Month!
Poetry. Does this word make you smile, or cringe? Word nerds should love poetry. It’s concentrated language, without all of the articles and prepositions to i...
Poetry. Does this word make you smile, or cringe? Word nerds should love poetry. It’s concentrated language, without all of the articles and prepositions to i...
I’m currently reading Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, a magical read with dark, mysterious undertones. It’s giving me plenty of words to add to my v...
I’m a people person. I enjoy striking up a conversation with a shopper behind me at the Walmart check-out. Or swapping fun and useful tweets with people...
Honestly, I don’t like non-fiction. Give me plot, dialogue, metaphor! When I flop into bed at night, I want an escape, not facts. But that’s the great thing ...
Since I’m a word nerd, I love language games. My husband, who has more of a “math and science” brain, does not. Scrabble and Scattegories make him shudder. B...
With the all of the excitement over the pending release of The Hunger Games movie, I want to ask you all, which do you usually like better, the book or the movi...