A few weeks ago, we called my in-laws, a Sunday tradition. They were under a tornado warning and told us to call back. My mother in law was waiting out the warning in a closet under the stairs. My father in law was apparently standing by the windows watching the storm. Yikes! Luckily, no tornadoes touched down. But the episode prompted a question I’ve asked many times in my life: What’s worse? A storm watch or a warning?
Summer has started. Hurricane season officially runs from June 1 to November 30, and this year, I’m going in more educated. See this article from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to see predictions for hurricanes in 2023. And, use the following story from me to remember how to respond to storm watches and warnings this summer.
A story to help you remember
Let’s picture Addie, a life guard up in her chair on a bright June day. Sunshine warms her shoulders, and the smell of her coconut scented sunscreen wafts up to her nose. (Don’t forget the sunscreen!) A gaggle of teen boys tumbles into the pool, stirring up splashes and punctuating the air with shouts. They toss a Nerf football around, then start a flip challenge, jumping off the side of the pool demonstrating various acrobatic moves.
The first, less serious action Addie takes is to WATCH the boys. She keeps her eyes on them, knowing that the conditions are right for something dangerous to happen. Water plus a group of young men without fully developed brains could equal trouble. They continue to rough house and then one of the boys decides to do a flip and dive head first into the water, even though there is paint on the pool deck saying “No Diving.”
Addie blows her whistle and gives the young man a WARNING. She has observed dangerous activity and is taking action to prevent harm.

Watch vs Warning Explained
According to the National Weather Service:
- WATCH – A watch means there is risk of hazardous weather, but its occurrence, location or timing is still uncertain. Bad weather is possible, and people should prepare.
- WARNING- A warning means that bad weather is imminent or occurring. People need to take action to prevent damage to life or property.
Now, hopefully you are ready for the summer storm season.
It’s summer! Finally time to get outside! What words or phrases about weather or the great outdoors trip you up?
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