As I prepare to launch a writing contest and a campaign for local office (the Word Nerd wants to serve on the school board, of course), I am designing, emailing, and printing many a Canva designed flyer. (Have you looked into the awesome design tool Canva? The free version works quite well, but I signed up for Canva Pro last year and LOVE IT. More on that later.)
Anyway, I am designing flyers. Or is it fliers? Honestly, I didn’t know and wanted clarity. Here’s what Merriam-Webster has to say on the matter:
According to M-W, a flier refers to one who flies planes or an “airman.” It can also describe a reckless venture. However, a flyer is most often used for “an advertising circular.”
So that confirms it, I’m designing FLYERS. I like that better. There’s something appealing about the Y.
Do you have a word spelling or usage you are wondering about? Share it! We all can learn.
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

Fun Word Nerd fact and so well written. Thanks for the tips on Canva as well. May come in handy in promoting my new business idea.
Keep the creativity flowing and you know I would support you in any campaign!
Ah! A bit of truly nerdy information I am now happy to know! I do not know whether I will ever have cause to use this new information for I am neither a pilot nor am I likely to distribute advertising materials. But to us of a nerdy bent, the usefulness of a bit of knowledge is secondary to the very fact that we know it. LOL!
In truth, though I have read both words, it never occurred to me to wonder if there was any real distinction between them – a slight ding on my nerd credentials!