Every year, The Academy of American Poets celebrates National Poetry Month during April, and each year they pick one day to especially encourage the reading of poems. This year, April 29 (today!) is Poem in Your Pocket Day. And I have a great poem by you.
It’s not long or intimidating or cryptic. (Many people shy away from poetry for fear of these things.) It is, like all good poetry, a collection of powerful words that provokes an image, an emotion, or a sensation, or all of the above. Its theme is extremely relevant for our time. The Academy of American Poets has several great poems featured on its website for poem in your pocket day, but I choose to celebrate this one.

Please share a favorite poem of your own in the comments below, or on social media. Use the hashtag #PocketPoem to join the fun!
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

Excellent poetic prose and great advice. Love the wisdom.
A bit long for my pocket, much less my memory.
You are worthy of a great conversation but I may be too terse to be of interest to you.