One of the things I love about the holidays: sending and receiving cards! Are you surprised? 😉 Hand written notes are one of my favorite things to give and receive- they convey thoughtfulness and caring, and I find great joy in sending them out into the world. I talk more about that love, and the origin of the Christmas card, in this post about the Christmas card tradition.
However, one of the things I like least about the holidays: finding gifts. I have a big family, and I don’t like stuff, or shopping, so I struggle to generate enthusiasm to buy more stuff for all of the people on my Christmas gift list spreadsheet. (Oh yes, I am a HUGE fan of spreadsheets, especially color coded ones.)
If you, like me, are a Word Nerd who struggles with gift ideas, here are some suggestions for people who love words, reading, and/or writing. These are all things I’ve used or read myself!
Keep Going by Austin Kleon
This is a great little book to encourage your creative side. Filled with quotes, diagrams, and inspiring snippets of text, it doesn’t take long to read and is perfect to flip through when you need a mental boost. I got myself Steal Like an Artist and the Steal Like and Artist Journal, also by Kleon, to rekindle some creativity in 2021. After this crazy year, we all need to practice some nourishing creative habits.
Rising Strong by Brene Brown
This is the third book by Brown that I’ve read, and it is by far my favorite. Rising Strong is about choosing to be vulnerable enough to uncover and understand our emotions. Brown, a social worker and researcher, uses data and personal anecdotes to explain how to rise from failure, disappointment, and heartbreak. I listened to the audio, which Brown reads herself, and next I need to make note cards, so the next time I’m overcome by a strong emotion, I will have the Rising Strong tools ready to deal with it.
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram Kendi
This book is heavy- physically and mentally- but it’s a very important read. It’s at least three inches thick and has lots of well researched information about the history of racism in the Western world, starting before our country was even founded. Stamped covers aspects of history that my high school courses never did. I’ve learned about Jefferson and Lincoln’s ideas on slavery and racism, the complicated path of W.E.B. DuBois’s activism, and how Angela Davis influenced politics and feminism in the U.S. There is a YA version of this book, co-authored by the talented Jason Reynolds, that I have given to my son and family friends. This is a great time to explore the origins and influence of racism. Stamped is a great place to start.
A journal
I started keeping a daily journal a few years ago, under the influence of Austin Kleon. (Yeah, that guy I mentioned two gift ideas ago.) I use a basic Moleskin daily planner to record the events, ideas, accomplishments, compliments, or frustrations of each day. It’s been especially interesting to record and process 2020 with my journal. I’m sure 2021 will be another interesting, transformative year, and a journal will give your friend or loved one a permanent place to record thoughts and reactions. Who knows where Twitter and Instagram will be in 10 or 20 years, but that journal could be fun and instructive to look back on. Choose soft leather or fun, vibrant colors, whatever suits the recipient best.
Goodreads Choice Awards
I always scan the winners and nominees of the annual Goodreads Choice Awards to help me find potential gifts. These awards are given by every day readers, and I often enjoy what I find on this list.
Final recommendation
I’m growing more and more suspicious and unhappy with Amazon’s business model, so this year, I purchased all my Word Nerd gifts from either or independent bookstores. Book No Further, in Roanoke, VA, has great shipping service, and I feel good knowing I’m supporting a local, independent bookstore. Search independent bookstores near you to help out a local small business.
All of my recommendations are fairly serious. Do you have a “fun”, “escapist” book or gift to recommend? Or any other ideas to add?
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

No one seems to have recommended a book, so I’ll start the ball rolling.
These are Australian books, so I don’t know if they’re available over there. Of course, you have in the past suggested at least one Australian author (Graeme Simsion).
This time it’s the mystery writer Jane Harper. Her first book “The Dry” received considerable, and deserved, accolades. Her second, “Force of Nature” wasn’t bad and her third, “The Lost Man” is the best of the lot so far.
She has recently released a fourth, “The Survivors”, but due to all the nonsense we’ve all endured the last few months, I haven’t got around to that one yet.
Great! Thanks Peter.
You make a spreadsheet? That’s a fabulous idea. I just collate emails and even sticky notes to remember people’s wish lists.
For books, I also like ordering from, which supports indies.
Yes I do! With so many variables, (four kids, two sets of grandparents, Santa 😉 ), a spreadsheet helps me keep everything straight. And I just have to reprint it every year. I can send it to you if you want. 😉
Also, thanks for recommending I love supporting indies!
You can find it at…
Great! Thanks!
Another of my favorite websites is The Bloggess, who is also an author, and much, much more besides. Today she had a bookmark with the legend “How good is it to be among people who are reading?”
My sentiments exactly.
Sounds like a great site for Word Nerds! Can you tell us where to find it? (e.g. share the URL)? Thanks! 😉