A few weeks ago, I shared some basic characteristics of the main generations of our time: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. My guest post this week applies some Word Nerd information to the generations – how much do each tend to read? Aren’t you curious? I was. My guests Isabel Cabrerra and Lachlan Brown share some interesting trends.
We all know the stereotypes of the different generations.
Because the 5 generations—Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation—all have different expectations and experiences that affect their lives.
But how do they affect their reading habits?
Best By The Numbers set out to answer this question. They created the following infographic which dives deep into the reading habits of the 5 generations.
Here is a quick snapshot of their findings:
- Gen Z read even more since the start of coronavirus, more so than the other generations.
- Millennials read the most books.
- Physical books trump digital editions for all generations.
- Bestseller lists generate book ideas for Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation, whereas Gen Z head to social media.
- Public libraries are used by Millennials far more than any other generation.
- And something fun? The older French people get, the more likely they are to read erotic fiction.
What can we glean from these stats?
Every generation likes to read, including tech-loving Millennials and Gen Zs.
Coronavirus has been extremely hard for a lot of industries, but especially for small publishers. Luckily, it seems that there is still a huge appetite for reading books and online content across all age ranges.
Check out the infographic below for more insights into the reading habits of the 5 generations.
I found these stats very interesting, but have to say that I, a Gen Xer, have not heard of most of the books on the Gen X bookshelf. Where is The Help? Do you recognize the books on your generation’s bookshelf? How do your reading habits compare to this infograph?
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

So interesting as usual!
Thanks Jane!