Last week, I told you about niksen and why this practice of doing nothing is good for your creative energy. This week, a guest post from Isabel Cabrera of The Expert Editor on the importance of creativity and how to practice it.
According to a recent study, 25% of jobs in the US are at risk due to automation.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that there are still millions of jobs that are safe. What types of jobs? The safest jobs in the market today are those that require genuine creativity.
We know that robots are good at doing repetitive tasks. But they aren’t equipped to come up with new and useful ideas. Only creative humans can do that.
A lot of people claim that they’re “not the creative type” or that they weren’t born with a lot of creativity.
However, you don’t need to write a best-selling series of books or paint the Mona Lisa to be creative and future proof your job. You just need to be able to perceive the world in new ways, make connections between things, and be a problem solver.
The best thing about creativity is that it’s trainable. No one is necessarily born with creativity or without it. In fact, research shows that only 22% of creative variance in people is due to the influence of genes. Therefore 78% of creativity is learned in our everyday life.
The Expert Editor has come up with a great infographic about creativity, including the professions that are perfect for creatives as well as 16 habits we can all adopt to become more creative.
These 16 science-backed habits are little things you can do each day to ignite your imagination and learn to think outside the box. Check out the infographic below.
How do you like to get creative? Which of these habits will you try?
Thanks for getting creative with me!

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