Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a great way to strengthen your vocabulary muscle. Join me every week to learn new words, and visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion to link up with other Word Nerds and see what interesting words they share.
My family is observing the last week of Lent, a time of repentance, prayer, and alms giving in anticipation of Easter. Many Christians refer to this week as Holy Week, and there will be special services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and, for Catholics, Holy Saturday.
I’ve seen churches advertising “Maundy Thursday” services, which of course had me wondering, what does Maundy even mean? I thought Maundy meant “sad.” I was wrong.
Maundy Thursday \’mȯn-dē\ noun, from Middle English maunde ceremony of washing the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday, from Anglo-French mandet, from Latin mandatum meaning command.
The term refers to Jesus’s words to his disciples after He washed their feet and they shared the Last Supper together:
I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. John 13:34 NAB.
Maundy Thursday definition: the Thursday before Easter observed in commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist.
Whether you are Christian or not, whether you recognize Lent or no, don’t you agree that this is a lovely commandment to cover our lives?
In the Catholic tradition, at the Holy Thursday service, a priest washes the feet of his parishioners, just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples before the Last Supper. It is an action of humility and service that Jesus used as an example for his followers.

Word Nerd Workout
What other interesting religious term, related to Holy Week or otherwise, can you share?
Thanks for getting nerdy with me. If you celebrate, Happy Easter. If not, happy spring!
I have always loved this term, and I love saying it, too. It just has a nice ring. Thanks for the definition – I have always wondered what in the world it possibly meant.
Happy to help, Jane. 🙂
Thanks for clarifying about Maundy Thursday. What a beautiful act of service!
Maundy Thursday is one of my favorite days of Holy Week. For me it represents the center of the Christian’s social message. I wish more Christians paid attention to the day.
I agree, Margot. There is so much meaning behind the simple act of washing another’s feet.
I know the church celebrates Maundy Thursday but I never knew what maundy meant. Thanks for clearing that up!
I’ve heard this word before, but didn’t know the exact meaning.
I didn’t know this! I have a friend named Maundy and now I’m curious about the reason behind her name…
Me too! Let me know what you find out.
Thank you for clarifying this! I’d heard the term, but wasn’t sure what it referred to.
Glad my curiosity helped you out too, Jessica! Happy Spring!