Welcome to the best meme for word nerds, Wondrous Words Wednesday. It’s a great place to ponder those words you come across while reading that give you pause. Visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion to find more interesting words or write your own post and link up to join the fun.
My word comes from an old Merriam-Webster word of the day:
Inimical \i-‘ni-mi-kǝl\ adj from Latin inimicus, meaning enemy
- Being adverse often by reason of hostility
- Having the disposition of an enemy
- Unfriendly
The substitute had years of experience and didn’t flinch under the inimical glares of her freshmen biology students.
Word Nerd Workout

Can you think of a synonym for inimical? Or better yet, a character from fiction who has an inimical disposition. My synonym is “oppositional” and my character is Draco Malfoy – I know, I took an easy one.
Your turn!
Thanks for playing,
Drawing on my strict religious childhood training, the first synonym that comes to mind is evil or mean. My character would have to be the devil.
Wow, I never would have guessed that meaning correctly! Hm, my synonym is hostile and my character is The Big Bad Wolf.
This is a word I don’t think I’ve ever used. Just can’t wrap a sentence comfortably around it!
Oooo, good one!