Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a great meme for learning something new. Visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion to join the fun. Or write your own post and link up.
I just started We Were Liars by E Lockhart. It’s a YA thriller about a wealthy family, set mostly at their private island off the coast of Massachusetts where they summer. There’s an accident, amnesia, and many things left unsaid. Lockhart uses original, vivid language to describe her characters and their emotions.
So far, I’m loving it.
My wondrous word comes from the first half of Liars.
He’s doing pretend semaphore, waving his arms in ornate patterns as if I’m supposed to understand some kind of secret code.
Semaphore \’se-mǝ-fȯr\ noun, from Greek sēma meaning sign, signal + International Scientific Vocabulary phore
- An apparatus for visual signaling (as by the position of one or more movable arms)
- A system of visual signaling by two flags held one in each hand

To learn more about semaphore, visit this post on the semaphore flag signalling system from the Australian National Botanic Gardens.
Apparently, semaphore is also a programming term. For now, I’m gonna stick to the flags. That’s what Lockhart was referring to.
Word Nerd Workout
Can you think of other signalling systems? Please share!
I was a girl scout, post World War II. We learned how to do SOS using both flags and the dashes and dot system. (There was still fear that we might be attacked again, I guess.) I don’t remember what either of them were called (or how to do them). But, at least now I know the flag system was called semaphore. Thanks. Also thanks for the book recommendation.
My dad used to talk about using semaphore when he was in the Navy so I was familiar with it as a flag signaling system.
The first signaling system that popped into my head was smoke signals but I’m not even sure they’re real. What do you call the signalling coaches do on the sidelines during football games?
I always wondered what “semaphore” meant. It’s not the same, but I used to want to be one of those flag girls boosting school spirit.
“Apparently, semaphore is also a programming term. For now, I’m gonna stick to the flags.”
A flag is also a programming term. 🙂
Uggh! You got me. Thanks for the tip 😉 See why I stick to words?
We learned semaphore in Girl Guides when I was a kid. We actually had to send and decode messages to earn one of our bars. (I’ve probably told you too much about my age.) 😉
No worries, Debbie. That’s a cool story. Do you have any pictures to share? 😉
My son does all these semaphore actions with his hands when he poses with his friends in pictures. They look like thugs 🙂 BTW, recently finished We Were Liars! Can’t decide if I loved it or hated it…can’t wait to hear what you thought about the ENDING!!!! 🙂
I’m about 2/3 through. I was curious before, now I really can’t wait to find out what happens. So far, I think it’s very well written. Will definitely get back to you.