Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a meme for readers who want to learn more about the words they stumble across in their books. Visit hostess Kathy at Bermuda Onion to find more interesting vocabulary.

My word this week comes from the audiobook The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud. It’s young adult magical fantasy. In the story, a young magician in training summons a powerful djinni named Bartimaeus to steal an amulet from a rival magician.
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t know what an amulet was. Since it’s crucial to the book, I figured I’d better learn it!
Amulet \am-yə-lət\ noun from the Latin amuletum. A charm often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (as disease or witchcraft).
Talisman is a synonym for amulet. Here’s a photo of several amulets and talismans, thanks to Nathaniel_U at Flickr.

Here’s an Indian Amulet Necklace

Word Nerd Workout
Have you ever seen an amulet? Do you have one yourself?
Word Nerd Announcement
Congratulations to Kathy, our meme hostess, for winning the prize for my Banned Books Week Giveaway. She won a gift card to Barnes and Noble! I’m sure she’ll use it well. (And hopefully tell us about whatever she reads.)
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!
Spread the word on Twitter: Vocab from the Bartimaeus Trilolgy: amulet = a small object worn for protection via @juliatomiak
Oh, I forgot to say thanks for hosting the giveaway! I’m excited about winning!
I had an idea of what an amulet is but didn’t realize it’s synonymous with talisman. I don’t own an amulet that I can think of.
I’ve heard about amulet before, and I knew it had magical connotations. However, I’ve always thought of it as a necklace, but I guess it’s just really the charm part.
Amulets are mentioned a lot in one of my favorite middle grade series (the Theodosia series by RL LaFevers)! I can’t believe I haven’t read the Bartimaeus trilogy yet~ I loved the first book in his Lockwood & Company series 🙂
I have seen an amulet in museums. I grew up in the land of the Plains Indians, so amulet was common. I don’t own what I consider an amulet, but I own several necklaces that have a cross, or the pink ribbon breast cancer symbol, and I have one that is the Fireman’s Cross. Just jewelry, I think.
You have no idea how excited I am when I pull up your word-nerd challenge and KNOW the word, Julia! I’m not familiar with the book series, but sounds like fun!
I never saw an amulet but knew what it was.
I know what an amulet is, but since I have never seen one, I must have come across the word in books I’ve read. The Clan of the Cave Bear series, maybe?
I’ve heard amulet before and thought it was just a necklace with a particular centerpiece – as opposed to say a necklace of all beads or pearls. I like the idea of a magic incantation or possibly a prayer connected with it. Much more meaning can be associated with the necklace.
My children love this type of thing…and it makes me want to make one to ward off all the evil and terrible my children may encounter 🙂
I have heard of amulet and have seen them exhibited in museums. I don’t own one myself.
Bartimaeus is such a fun trilogy! Enjoy!