Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a meme for people interested in learning new vocabulary. Visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion to find more words.
Things have been crazy at my house. In the past week, my husband has scheduled knee surgery and was so ill he actually missed a day of work. Then Sunday, my daughter fell 25 feet out of a tree.
Yes. 25 feet.
By amazing grace alone, she survived the fall with a mild concussion. No broken bones, no major brain damage. I am a lucky mother.
Anyway, all that to say I can’t remember where I came across my word for today, but I still want to share it. I’ll make up a sentence, inspired by The Book Thief.
Rudy turned the corner and came face to face with his redoubtable instructor from the Hitler Youth League.
redoubtable \ri-‘daů-tǝ-bǝl\ adj from Anglo-French re- + duter to doubt; causing or deserving great fear or respect; very powerful, impressive
In Rudy’s case, the appropriate definition is “causing great fear.” His instructor liked to beat him for insubordination.
Word Nerd Workout

Think of a character from books or your own life who you could describe as redoubtable. Share the character and an adjective for redoubtable.
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!
Oh my, what a week! I hope the next week is better for your family. I had a music teacher in elementary school who was very redoubtable.
Oh my! Hope both your husband and daughter recover soon!
Thanks Jen.
Oh my gosh, I’m so glad your daughter escaped without worse injury, although concussions can be serious, too. Glad to know it was mild.
Since a redoubt is a defensive fort, usually made of earth, meant to convince the enemy that attacking is a bad idea, I’m not surprised to learn the meaning of redoubtable. (Brought to you by a former history teacher who used to teach the students about Washington’s redoubts at Valley Forge — which did indeed convince the British not to attack the American winter camp.)
This is the kind of thing I love to learn about words. Thanks, Dianne. Your explanation will help redoubtable stick in my head!
Glad to hear that your daughter survived that fall and hope your husband is doing better.
Thank you – they are both recovering, thank goodness!
Wow! So pleased your daughter didn’t do any lasting damage to herself, you must have been so scared. I hope your OH’s knee surgery goes okay. I have come across redoubtable before in articles and books. Not a word I have used on much occasion if at all.
I agree. You are one very lucky mom. So glad the fall didn’t cause serious damage. Redoubtable is a great word for your week. My sentence:
Chris was shaking as he stood in the front of the line of protesters and watched the military-garbed police and their redoubtable tanks move toward him in Ferguson, Missouri.
Excellent, and timely, sentence. Thanks Margot.