Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a great meme for learning new words. For links to other vocabulary posts, visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion. You could learn a lot!
My word today comes from the Merriam-Webster word of the day email. As soon as I saw sartorial, I knew I should remember it. It made me think of Physical Therapy school and anatomy class, which you might not understand when you see the definition.
sartorial \sär-‘tōr-ē-əl\ adj from Latin sartor tailor; of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes; generally, relating to clothes

Are you wondering how clothes relate to anatomy? The longest muscle in your body is the sartorius muscle, or “the tailor muscle”; it starts on the outside hip and crosses the front of the thigh to attach inside the knee. It helps you rotate your hip out to place your ankle on the opposite knee.
Word Nerd Workout
Let’s try to use sartorial in a sentence. For example,
Quentin, a programming genius at 17, didn’t have the time or patience for sartorial concerns like coordinating his clothes, or washing them, for that matter.
Your turn! Leave your sentence in the comments.
Spread the (word nerd) word on Twitter: Word Nerd Word: Sartorial = relating to a tailor or clothes via @juliatomiak
Thanks for getting nerdy with me!
Thank you! I’ve always wondered what this word meant. Next time I go to the seamstress, I’ll have to let her know that I need some “sartorial problems rectified.”
I had no idea that was the meaning of sartorial. Many of the arguments with my daughter are sartorial, but they are fewer now that she has to do her own laundry.
Was that right? A little difficult to use in a sentence.
Sounds right to me Dana, and I often have sartorial arguments with my daughter as well- in fact, we had one this morning, 5 minutes before we had to leave for school. :-0
I knew the meaning of sartorial, but not its origin. Interesting! And weird, like the origin of many words in English.
Weird word origins help me remember meanings- usually.