Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, an awesome meme for word nerds hosted by Kathy at Bermudaonion.net. Join the fun- share a new word you learned this week.
My entry isn’t exactly a word. But after I heard my 13-year-old son use “uber” for the hundredth time, I decided we needed to clarify the meaning.
“My hair is ubershort now,” my son said upon leaving the barber shop.
“Do you even know what that word means?” I asked.
“It’s not a word, it’s a prefix,” he said.
What an ubernerd. 😉
Uber \’ü-bər\ German, from über, meaning over or beyond; being a superlative example of its kind or class; to an extreme or excessive degree; super

Word Nerd Workout
Use uber in a sentence. Or, if you’re like my friend Kristen and you’re sick of hearing this prefix, share a more creative or original way to describe something as “superlative or extreme.”
Thanks for getting nerdy with me today!
I prefer to use “super” as my prefix – superhungry, supertired, supercool. I guess the fact that I use supercool to describe myself means I’m really superdorky.
No way, Dana! Definitely supercool!
Your son is ubersmart! He sure outwitted you 🙂 Of course, you probably passed down to him the thirst for knowledge…
We come across uber quite a bit, as you say from the German language. ‘Ubermum’ is the most common use I have heard.
Ubercool sounds better than ‘awesome’, ‘sick’, ‘sweet’ or ‘amazeballs’!!
Definitely. And I’ve never heard “amazeballs”! Thanks for the update!
What a great kid you have! Ubernerd, indeed. I’m having an uberawesome birthday week. Already two cards and gifts and I don’t even turn uberold til Sunday!
Happy Birthday Judy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. And in my book, uberold means that you have aged very well. 😉
Major props to your son for knowing this is a prefix! I’ve been using this one for years; as a linguist, I picked it up, and have found it very useful.
That is an ubercool photo. It does seem odd that we chose the German for an English slang term.
I’ve been hearing this word a lot lately and did know it.
Fun post, and I love the photo!!
I knew uber because I have 3 teenagers in my life. It’s hard keeping up with all the words they use isn’t it? It seems like their vocabulary changes daily.
Indeed Vicki! Just today, my son used the word “vanilla” to mean “plain.” I got it though, so I’m proud of that. 😉
I was pretty sure I knew what uber meant but I didn’t realize it’s used so much these days. I obviously need to associate with more young people.
Our waiter was uberfriendly and efficient so we left him a generous tip.
Don’t worry Kathy, be glad you haven’t been overexposed to this lovely little prefix. 😉
Love the uberbeautiful photo from Maui! We have a very similar picture from Oahu that I made into a canvas. It’s on the mantel in our living room, and every time I look at it, I want to go back! Sigh.
Yes, Hawaii is an uberlovely place. Perhaps I should indulge my husband’s wish to move out there…
Maybe a second home for the winters? Let me know if that works out for you. I’ll definitely come visit, even though it would be much closer to drive up I-81. We really need to make that happen some time!