Welcome to 2014 and the first Wondrous Words Wednesday of the New Year! I’m glad you’ve come by to stimulate your brain and start the year off right!
I’d like to share a word I learned in 2013 from the Wondrous Words Wednesday meme. It’s perfect for beginnings.
Inchoate \in-kō-ət\ adj; from Latin inchoare to start work on; not completely formed or developed yet.
As I start the New Year, I can think of many inchoate plans and projects I’m working on. How about you?

Word Nerd Workout
Think of a synonym for inchoate. One of my word nerd words from 2013 fits perfectly! Can you find it? Hint: it begins with an n.
Thanks for getting nerdy with me! Here’s to another year of learning!
OK, so I had to look it up, but from your Word Nerdy Words:
nascent \’nas-ənt\ adj from the Latin nascent, nascens, to be born; coming or having recently come into existence
I’m not so good at synonyms without my Thesaurus, but preliminary, formless, shapeless are synonyms.
Thanks for the new word! Happy New Year!!
Thanks for taking the time to look it up, Judy! And I think your synonyms are perfect- you did a great job sans Thesaurus. Happy New Year!
Great word! I’ve seen it before, but never really knew what it meant or even how to pronounce it. First day of the year and I’m already a little smarter. Thanks!
Yay Crystal. Glad I could help with that! Congratulations on winning my Favorite Things Giveaway. You’ll have to let me know… would you like one of my favorite books of 2013 (Wonder, Liar and Spy, Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, or The Language of Flowers) or a B&N gift card. Thanks for participating!
Yay! How exciting! I have been wanting to read Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, so that would be great. Thank you!
OK, I’ll get that ordered for you. 🙂
Happy New Year, Julia! Wishing you and yours a fabulous 2014! I like ‘budding’ as a synonym for ‘inchoate.’
Happy New Year to you, Nicole! Budding is an awesome synonym. Thanks for starting out your year with a word nerd workout! 🙂